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According to the search results, KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL means **test blue print or table of specification** and it is a description of the scope and content of the material that will be tested[^2^]. Here is an example of a title and article with html formatting for the keyword "KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL Kelas VIII.docx": ```html
How to Prepare KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL for Class VIII
KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL is a tool that helps teachers to design valid and reliable tests for their students. It consists of two parts: KISI-KISI, which is a matrix that shows the distribution of questions based on the learning objectives and indicators, and KARTU SOAL, which is a card that contains the question, answer key, and scoring rubric.
In this article, we will explain how to prepare KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL for class VIII using Microsoft Word. The steps are as follows:
Identify the learning objectives and indicators that you want to measure with the test. You can refer to the curriculum or syllabus for guidance.
Create a table with four columns: objective number, indicator number, cognitive level, and number of questions. Fill in the first three columns with the information from step 1. The cognitive level can be based on Bloom's taxonomy or other frameworks. The number of questions can be determined by the weight or difficulty of each indicator.
Calculate the total number of questions and the percentage of each cognitive level. Make sure that the test covers all the objectives and indicators and that it has a balanced distribution of cognitive levels.
Create another table with two columns: question number and question type. Fill in the first column with the numbers from 1 to the total number of questions. The question type can be multiple choice, essay, short answer, or other formats. You can also mix different types of questions in one test.
Create a new document and name it "KARTU SOAL Kelas VIII.docx". For each question, write the question stem, the answer choices (if applicable), the correct answer, and the scoring rubric. You can use different fonts, colors, or styles to make the document more readable.
Save the document and print it out. You have successfully prepared KISI-KISI Dan KARTU SOAL for class VIII.
We hope this article helps you to create effective tests for your students. Good luck!